hr solutions
Making HR a strategy and profit center
Maximize HR
best practices
and enhance
Services Provided
Find Qualified Candidates
Multiple your candidate sourcing power! We find qualified candidates, in a fraction of the time with our candidate sourcing system. It’s the talent sourcing solution for busy recruiters where you spend less time sourcing and get time back to do what you love – creating personal connections and building relationships.!
Effective Onboarding
Consultrex Onboarding specialists work with the HR departments of companies to organize, streamline, and oversee the onboarding process for new hires into the company they work for. Our Onboarding specialists typically communicate company and job details to the new hires and have a flair for meeting new people along with a sound knowledge of HR practices and labor legislations.
DOJ Background Check
Consultrex will provide pre-employment background checks via Live Scan through the State of California, Department of Justice (DOJ) through outside vendors. Background Checks include Criminal History, Social Security verification: validates the applicant’s Social Security number, date of birth and former addresses and Motor Vehicle Records.